PEPFAR girls as of March 2008!

PEPFAR girls as of March 2008!
Ok, Hannah's missing and Jess (far right) just went home, so we're 7

PEPFAR girls-the original group, all 12 of us!

PEPFAR girls-the original group, all 12 of us!
Training group following the swearing in ceremony at the US Ambassor's residence on Nov. 30, 2006

Monday, July 28, 2008

Please help!

a good friend told me, "life is busy and sometimes we forget to do the things we mean to do". So, here it goes...

I am trying to complete what is called a Peace Corps Partnership Project. My plan is to bring computers and internet to the village. I'll train the people who work and volunteer at my organization in computer and internet use and trouble -shooting techniques. From there, they will train teachers and People Living with HIV/AIDS how to use the computer and internet. It's a fairly low-budget project so I hope that the funding will come through quickly...with support from viewers like you! (Oh yes, I still remember PBS fundraise-a-thons.) This is your chance to DIRECTLY support a project in Africa that will help a community on the road to development! Helping people learn how to use technology gives them a huge step-up in applying for jobs and keeping their CBOs alive. I'm not just going to dump computers on these people; they'll actully learn how to use and maintain them so the project doesn't end before I've left.

Now, here's the kicker. I want to be home for Christmas!! I've missed the past Christmas for the past 3 years with my family in WI! (Are you crying, yet?) If the project doesn't receive funding within the next month I either have to scrap it or extend...which means I miss Christmas for the 4th year! For those of you who would have given me a present think of donating to my project instead. Being home for Christmas is all the gift I need this year! (Ok, there have to be tears by now!)

Go to\contribute

A little money from a lot of people will go a long way. And that's all I want for Christmas this year!

Stay well!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A request for your support

Dear family, friends and random visitors...

I am asking for your support in the last 5 months of my service. My organization and I have submitted a proposal to Peace Corps Partnership to provide internet services and computer training to local villagers. The program is expeted to eventually support itself and provide support for People Living with HIV/AIDS.

Peace Corps Partnership works like a fundraising campaign...that is why I'm asking for your help! The project has been posted on the Peace Corps website and awaits donations from friends, family and random do-gooders!

Once all the money has been raised Peace Corps will get the money to me and then I'll be able to start our project!

This is a program that my colleagues have been requesting almost the whole time I have been in Uganda. People recognize the importance of having computer skills these days but have little opportunity to gain them. Plus, a good resource centre should really provide the best and most current information for people...that requires internet!

Here's your opportunity to DIRECTLY impact the lives of villagers in Africa! Please take a moment and go to\contribute. Donate and spread the word!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Request for help!

Hello friends, family, random visitors!

I am sending our this plea for your help in the last 5 months of my service. My organization and I are trying to bring better services to our resource centre and one of those ways is by bringing computers and installing internet...something sorely lacking in this area. My colleagues also are begging for computer training. With a proposal I have currently submitted to Peace Corps Partnership I can make all of these dreams come true! That is, with support from friends, family and random do-gooders!

Just log-on at\contribute. Search for me by my last name "Beach" and location "Uganda". You'll find a brief description of the project on their website and a place where you can easily donate. Donate...then spread the word! The more people who know about the project, the less money each person needs to contribute!

Please, take just a moment to support a good project!


PS-later this month I hope to have an update on my life!